Business Introduction
Power EPC
Sichuan Huadong Electric Group has the firsst-class qualification for power engineering constructiongeneral contracting, and the constriuction of power transmission and transformation engineering is professionally contracted. It can independently undertake the power engineering of powergeneration, transmission, transmission and distribution of 220kV and below.
Electrical Commissioning
1)Handover test and system debugging of new constructior projects of transmission, transmission, transformation and distribution.
2)Preventive test of electrical equipment ofthe project that has been put into operation.
3)Special electrical test: AC withstand voltage above 110kV, partial discharge of transformer, partial discharge of GIS, modal analysis of generator,line palrameter test, insulator salt tightness.
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
具有机电安装工程施工总承包贰级资质,主要从事工业及民用建筑的机电安装。包括∶ 变配电、动力、照明、自动控制、弱电工程、暖通、空调、管道、消防、给排水、市政等工程的安装及调试。
We are mainly specialized in electromecharical installation for industrial and civil buildings. Our business areas include installation and commissioning for power traansformation, power distribution,illumination engineering, automatic control, weak current engineering, heating and ventilation, air conditioning, pipeline engineering, fire prevention, water supply and drainage, and municipal engineering.
Transportation Inspection
凭行业内二十余年的技术积累、行业经验,基于智能产品、物联网模块、智能传感器、巡检机器人、无人机、AI技术等,自主研发了“智慧电力运维企业管理平台" 。采用线上运维平台+线下运维服务相结合的方式,为客户提供一站式的“智慧运维”服务。
With more than 20 years of technology accumulation and industry experience in the industry, it has independently developed the "intelligent power operation and maintenance enterprise management platform" based on intelligent products, Internet of Things modules, intelligent sensor, inspection robot, UAV, A technology, etc. The combination of online operation and maintenance platform + offline operation and maintenance services is adopted to provide customers with one-stop "intelligent operation and maintenance" services.
Network Technology
拥有一支研究、开发、服务为一体的专业团队,引入国际咨询工程师联合会工程管理规范,自主研发出“菲迪克智慧工程企业管理平台”,通过构建“互联网 +工程”的智慧云服务模式,为客户提供全生命周期的智慧工程和专业系统的管理解决方案。
The company has a professional team of research, development and service,Lead into Introduce the International Federation of Consulting Engineers,it has independently developed the “FIDIC Intelligent Engineering Enterprise Management Platform", builds the intelligent cloud service mode of "Internet + engineering", and provides customers with full life-cycle intelligent engineering and professional system management solutions.
Electric Power Design and Consulting
The company has a design team with comprehensive theoretical knowledge, rich practical experience, complete professional structure ard standardized management. It can undertake general contracting, project management andrelated technical, consulting and management services for power transmission and transformation projects up to 220kV. At present, it has served national key enterprise units such as PetroChina, Sinopec, Chengdu Hi-tech Investment Group, Shuangliu International Airport, Chengdu Airport Bonded Logistics Center and other national key enterprises.
Sichuan Huadong Electric Group wasestablished in 2003,operates as a group with 106 million registered capital andI more than 1200 employees include 26 first-grade project managers,40 second-grade project managers and 22 employees with senior professional title,328 employees are project management staff or with intermediate professionaltitle, together with a professional team of electrical power engineering design,installation, commission, operation and maintenanee. As a comprehensive engineering eontracting enterprise that we also have ability to complete the project such as integrates power engineering, electromechanical engineering, building intelligent system engineering, fire engineering, technology consulting alnd eleetrical commissioning,overhaul &maintenance and power system operation for hydropower, thermal power, solar power and project management, survey and design, equipment purchasing, transmission line eonstruction, substation construction and operation, electrical commissioning. To date, Sichuan Huadong construction equipment and technologies have reached the leading level in China.
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