拥有机电安装工程施工总承包贰级资质,主要从事工业及民用建筑的机电安装。包括∶ 变配电、动力、照明、自动控制、弱电工程、暖通、空调、管道、消防、给排水、市政等工程的安装及调试。从图纸会审、复测分坑、基础开挖、泥凝土浇灌、组立杆塔、导线展放、附件安装到竣工验收等严格按照国家相关规范和标准执行。


With the mechanical and electrical installation project construction general contracting grade II qualification.We are mainly specialized in electromecharical installation for industrial and civil buildings. Our business areas include installation and commissioning for power transformation, power distribution,illumination engineering, automatic control, weak current engineering, heating and ventilation, air conditioning, pipeline engineering, fire prevention, water supply and drainage, and municipal engineering. From the joint examination of drawings, re-test pit division, foundation excavation, mud condensate watering, group pole tower, wire display, accessories installation to completion acceptance shall be strictly in accordance with the relevant national norms and standards.